CALL TO ACTION: Demand Immediate Supervision for Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board!

CALL TO ACTION: Demand Immediate Supervision for Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board!

Enough is Enough, 

It's time to make our voices heard! Recent incidents of anti-Black racism in Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board demand urgent action. Email the Minister of Education NOW!

Subject: Immediate Supervision for DPCDSB - Stop Anti-Black Racism!

Dear Minister Stephen Lecce,

I write to you with deep concern regarding the alarming incidents of anti-Black racism within the Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board. Recent events, including the tasering of a 12-year-old Black girl and the arrest of three Black teenage girls, highlight a systemic issue endangering Black students.

We DEMAND immediate action:

1️⃣ Immediate Supervision: Due to ...

Enough is Enough, 

It's time to make our voices heard! Recent incidents of anti-Black racism in Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board demand urgent action. Email the Minister of Education NOW!

Subject: Immediate Supervision for DPCDSB - Stop Anti-Black Racism!

Dear Minister Stephen Lecce,

I write to you with deep concern regarding the alarming incidents of anti-Black racism within the Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board. Recent events, including the tasering of a 12-year-old Black girl and the arrest of three Black teenage girls, highlight a systemic issue endangering Black students.

We DEMAND immediate action:

1️⃣ Immediate Supervision: Due to repeated instances of explicit racism, supervise the Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board.

2️⃣ Comprehensive Investigation: Conduct a transparent investigation of recent events, examining camera footage and witness accounts.

3️⃣ Anti-Black Racism Training: Implement mandatory training for all staff with measurable metrics and KPIs for success.

4️⃣ Remove Police Presence: Eliminate police presence from schools, ensuring accountability for any aggression towards students.

5️⃣ Community Oversight Committee: Establish a committee to address systemic issues within the board.

6️⃣ Open Forum:Create a forum for students and parents to share experiences and formulate an action plan against anti-Black racism.

The legacy of colonialism has left an indelible mark on our education system, resulting in a crisis of anti-Black racism. We urge your office to champion justice, equity, and the humanity of Black children within Ontario’s education system.
We seek more than acknowledgment—we seek CHANGE.

We await your prompt and decisive response to these demands. Our children deserve a safe and equitable education environment.


Immediate Supervision for DPCDSB - Stop Anti-Black Racism!

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